Find out more about what makes Connection Funding a market leader in hard money lending.

Why choose Connection Funding as your Wisconsin private money lender?



Different Kind of Lender

We’re a new and different type of lender in the Wisconsin market. Our differentiators have to be experienced to be appreciated. We’re for borrowers who appreciate a different level of service. Clear answers, clear communication, and confidence in closing in as little as 7 days.


Simple, Local, Responsive

We have direct, LOCAL control over all of our lending. You need a responsive lender, not one with a myriad of procedures and hoops to jump through for out-of-town decision makers. We’re right here – where YOU are. No delays waiting on “corporate” to get back to you; nobody out of state making decisions that affect your business without knowing you and your market. Share some very simple project parameters with us and we’ll give you a quick idea of whether we think the project is something we can help you with. Even our full underwriting process can be done very quickly. If you provide the few things we need in a timely manner, we can make a decision and fund your project. Fast closing needed? No problem!


Direct Lender & Servicer

We are not brokers. You’ll never end up with a lender you didn’t expect and the project-risking delays that come with that. We control the funds and all underwriting decisions. You’ll get to know the people making the decisions and we’ll get to know you. With that direct control also comes flexibility. If you have a project that doesn’t fit neatly "in the box", don’t be afraid to discuss it with us. We’ll do our best to find a solution that will enable us to move forward together safely, for both of us. We also retain the servicing on 100% of our loans – we don’t sell our loans to third parties and leave you dealing with someone new after closing. We start the process with you, and we’ll be there with you throughout your project.


Investor Led

We’re local investors helping other local investors have the cash you need for your projects. With years of residential & commercial investing experience, we know what our borrowers are dealing with. We know our local markets and we’re willing to walk properties and discuss plans with you. We may have ideas you’ll appreciate or non-financial resources and relationships you can leverage. We know what our borrowers need from a financial partner because we’ve been in your shoes too. We strive to make the process as easy on you as we want it for ourselves. When we commit to terms, they won’t change because we know first-hand how disruptive that can be to your investing plans.